Hey guys- had a stone chip on my EK Civic (00) windscreen on the M1 on the weekend, luckily it was an insurance job and the windscreen was replaced. The guy came round yesterday and changed it with an aftermarket screen, looked alright, but just noticed the molding which goes from left pillar, top of windshield, right pillar, is only sitting flush for the top of the windshield and only about 10-15cm down each side, and then a little bit near the bottom. For most of the molding on the left and right of the windscreen, it seems to sit around a centimetre higher than flush, with a small ridge underneath? I tried pushing it down but it won’t go any further it seems.

I need to know if this is normal, because it doesn’t look right. Haven’t seen a similar car around to be able to check, so I was hoping any fellow EK owners could help out by having a look at their windscreen for me? A photo would be even better and very much appreciated.

I’ve attached a link to a photo of near the top of one side of the windscreen to show what I mean.

