Hi guys,

I have a 1995 Integra VTi-R (DC2) and I've started experiencing a strange problem from my front left wheel. Basically, when it rains very heavily and after I've been driving for a bit, sometimes it'll start making noises that are similar to a flat tyre. So I pull over to take a look and everything looks fine. I start driving again and everything is fine. However sometimes it may happen again 5 minutes down the road, and stopping the car stops the noise and may or may not happen again. I'm basically just wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone? I don't get any strange noises any other time, only when it's raining heavily. I've given my wheel a shake and there's no movement, so it possibly isn't a wheel bearing. My CV joints also don't appear to be making any noises. I'll also mention that it happens when going in a straight line, without any braking. Just randomly makes noises. Sound familiar?

TL;DR - My wheel sounds like a flat tyre when it rains a lot. What do?