Why hello thar!

Ive been planning to strip down my B16a for a while now and have always fancied the idea of going down the ethanol route. Have been saving my pennies so i think ive got enough to make it happen but not entirely sure i want to actually spend as much as i have.

B16A Block (first gen baby)
Stock Crank
Carrilo Super-A beam Rods
Custom JE/CP pistons
all them bolts needed to make the bottom end work.
50mm ITB's
Custom headers/exhaust/ect

Now as its gonna be run solely E85 i was thinking going for the 13.8:1 mark... Which means some stupid cam profiles!

Now the questions:
  1. Anyone know of any Cams with more than 305/305 duration? Or am i getting my own set made up?
  2. Valvetrain issues when hitting the 10,000rpm mark regularly... id like to retain vtec if possible, anyone had any mad fails?
  3. Sleeves... Im contemplating going for 84mm bore and wet sleeves just to be safe. However, are the stock sleeves okay with the sorts of pressure id be hitting?
  4. Stock crank should be alright yea? Dont see the point of going forged so id go straight for billet and probably change stroke :/

Cheers brosephs!