Renault's like quite a few other makes now give the opportunity to have a Factory Matte Finish, however there is a lot of do's and dont's with matte paintwork to which sometimes does cause a bit of confusion for people.

Basics on Matte Paint / Matte Vinyl Wrap Care;

Wash with a sponge - this can cause friction and mar the surface, please do not use a sponge! (on any paint full stop!!)
Use normal car wash - this contains 'glossing' agents which will make your matte finish go patchy and may cause staining!
Dry with a chamois - this will mar the paint, and once you mar matte paintwork/vinyl you cannot fix this - this will be permanent.

How you should be Washing:
Use the Two Bucket Method + Grit Guard to wash - 1 Bucket for your Shampoo, 1 Bucket to Rinse. Grit Guard to sit in your rinse bucket to separate any dirt from mitt when rinsing.Combo Kit here!
Microfibre Wash Mitt/Lambswool Wash Mitt - this will avoid any change of marring the surface during the wash process.
Matte specific wash shampoo - costing the same as your standard shampoo's, except these shampoos will not affect your matte finish
Microfibre Waffle Weave Drying Towel / Microfibre Drying Towel - will avoid any chance of marring or damaging the matte finish and is 100% matte friendly!

Nanolex nanotechnology from Germany offer Matte Paint Protection, Matte Paint Quick Detailers, Matte Paint Shampoo's + more, and lets not forget Dr Beasleys Matte Paint product range as well which also offer all type of matte products.


This Matte Renault Clios RS came into us with a fair bit of contaminants along with the usual dirt & debris from usual day-to-day driving.

Our process;

De-wax; Washed down with Mint APC & Microfibre Wash Mitt.

Wheels; Sprayed with 1Z Einszett Colourtec Wheel Cleaner & cleaned with Wheel Woolies Wheel Cleaning Brushes.

Clay; Mint Japanese Fine Grade Clay Bar / Mint Clay Mitt & Mint Lube on Roof, windows & gloss area on bumpers only.

George (Numatic) gave everything a good suck and finished off with 1Z Einszett Cockpit Premium & Nanolex Interior Sealant.

Paint Prep;
Nanolex Matte Surface Cleaner

Paint Protection; Nanolex Matte Paint Professional Sealant over all matte paint surfaced and Nanolex Paint Protection on gloss areas.

Glass; Nanolex Urban Glass Sealant applied to front windscreen.

Metals; 1Z Einszett Chrome Metal Polish

Standard for most Renault's and other European cars is heavy brake dust on wheels due to soft metal pads and soft discs.

For those with European makes and even the Honda Accord Euro & Lexus’ you will find 1Z Einszett Colourtec is very effective to remove the caked on brake dust. Simply because this is a deironising wheel cleaner and attacks specifically carbon (Brake dust) fallout.

(yes, we noticed a little curb lovin’ with the wheels)

The wheel woolie(s) in action! Safest wheel cleaning brushes out there for wheels including any aftermarket wheels like HRE, ADV, Rotiform, BBS, XXR, Avant Garde etc etc!

The factory Matte Paint Finish on this Renault Clio RS was covered quite badly in contaminants and dirt. As matte paint finishes are more of a textured surface they do tend to hold onto dirt & debris much more than your usual gloss finishes.

A little dirt that accumulated!