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    Fitting TOMS 4x100 aftermarket wheels on an integra = Don't.

    Yes, a long story short, after the effort of sorting this all out and spending the time doing things properly. If you have any intent on actually following through with doing this properly the short answer is don't bother. What should be right 99% of the time isn't and what isn't is illegal to fix.

    The short and the long of it is that the centre bore is out by 2mm, 54mm vs. 56mm which means the wheels wont locate properly on your hub. A little more research on my behalf would have solved this issue long before it arose, but now it's a matter of doing something dodgy or not doing it all.

    On the scale of 1 to stuff up, I'd put this at about 7 and I'm going back to the drawing board. While I could mount them, you run the risk of sheering a stud, or worse and losing the wheel altogether, that and with a +35mm offset it's really on the edge of what's feasible with a 15x7 anyway for which you really want a 195/55/15 as without flaring your guards it's pretty much border line of fitting a 205/50/15.

    The short story is while it looks good it's been a right royal balls up... lessons learned by trying to do a Honda some good in fitting Toyota rims... Don't.. Not unless you want to make your wheels completely illegal anyway. I could fix this, but I'm in two minds at this point as while there is enough meat to have it machined out, you can kiss your ass goodbye in the case of an accident. This is one for odd fitments that do not work.

    Last edited by Integra-GSi; 11-08-2014 at 08:42 PM.

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