I currently have chome 17's on LS

I got these rims over a year ago
They are 17's and I have got 215's khumo's on them this is the widest I could fit on them
I have just finnished an LS/Vtec conversion with LSD box and bigger rotors and calipers the offset on my current wheels are all wrong and have to have spacers on them to fit (I allways have had spacers)
I am now looking at new wheels and thinking of going down to 16's from a performance view

I have broken 4 drive shafts in the last year (2 left 2 right)
I know my car being lowerd contributes to this but would the wheels as well?
My current wheels are quite heavy and would trying to spin them put extra load on the shafts?
I dont sit there doing burnouts but I like to have a good launch

What benifits would I gain from going down in size 15/16?

Is there a noticible differance with lighter wheels?

Will smaller wheels change the way my car handels?