Hi guys,

Hoping some of you experts will have an answer for me as i have googled and searched and cannot find a answer.

About 4 months ago my accord euro developed a creak in the clutch, which i searched here for, i found a answer to oil it, and it stopped... for a while

Now its back, and more so, it sometimes clicks, like a audible CLICK. when pressing it in past a certain point.

When my car is in gear, and the clutch is fully surpressed, the car will still roll forward like the clutch is engaged.

Shifting in to ANY gear is also very difficult, like the clutch isnt working or isnt getting opened properly, or is stuck a a point.

Has anyone heard of anything like this, Someone said get the clutch replaced- but im not so sure. Im leaning more towards it being a master cylinder issue.. (little bit of experience with supras/silvias back in the day - this is my first honda)

Loving Honda life other than this, just hoping someone can help!