Well I was there yesterday (Saturday) and I must say WOW!
TV does zero justice for these cars and once seeing them in person and what they can do (much like F1 and Indy cars etc) you definitly appreciate them alot more.

For entry on saturday was $40 and race day $55, everything else was so cheap as well.
3 beers was $10
Flags $10
Shirts started from $40
I came away with alot, damm promo girls and beer don't mix

But you can see why France is on top, when everyone else was packed up and other support races were on France were out in pit lane practicing there pit stop, and changing tyres, and new front nose cone and more front wing or less back wing just over and over again.
Good on them.

There was alot of people there on Saturday, I'm heading off there soon today, I hope there is double there today then yesterday (weather is much better today in Sydney)

Thats my article for today!