People where sick of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls when they were winning, people where sick of Mick tyson knocking everyone out and people where sick of Manchester United winning the FA cup all the time!

See the trend here?
If we are going to "stop" the successful people in a sport why become a success?

I'm sure Juan or Kimi would rather beat Michael then have FIA or another body get rid of him then either Juan or Kimi wins it...
How would they feel?

It's positive because it creates other teams to push harder and invest more into beating him...
So it creates INTEREST

You want an example?

Example: Mark Skaife keeps on winning and HRT is unstoppable, well last year Markose Ambrose defeats Skaife and look what is all over the news and what everyone is talking about...
Now it might have been "boring" when HRT and Skaife were winning but it created and allowed time for FORD to develop a better car and defeat HRT which gives them a better feeling...

You might not see my point, but Michael is now a house hold name, and that is good for the sport of Formula 1 why?
Because when on the news comes Juan has won the Worlds Drivers Championship people are going to wonder what happened and how Michael didn't win and then watch the F1 because of Michael not winning...

Well thats my opinion!