Well finally got some time off work and decided to drive the new (Nov 03) Euro down to Bowral then on to Melbourne (from Brisbane). In all a 3400km round trip. The constant driving and long distances brought out some interesting things

I am so glad that I bought the Honda. I have had numerous cars (4WD, Holden, Ford, BMW and Mercs) and this quite honestly the Euro is the best driving car I have owned.

Good things...

1.Fuel Economy; it is outrageously good. On one long stretch I was getting around 5.55 l/100km. This is traveling @ a consistent 120km/h (@ approx 2200-2400rpm) highway (mixed hilly and flat) with two adults and a full load of luggage and other gear.
2.Power and Smoothness; I am constantly surprised at what a great engine and drive train the Honda has. It has been a while since I owned a 4 cylinder car and it is quite amazing that it can cruise consistently at low rpm (relatively) at decent highway speed (this is more thanks to the 5AT I presume). Yet pplant the foot and it just, well, goes....
3.Cruise Control; set the car @ 120 and it stays @ 120. It used to shit me no end in other vehicles that I would have the cruise set and when going uphill I would be lurched about or it would drop dramatically. The shitebox Magna I used to own would drop out (disengage) when the hills got too much, but on the freeway would creep over 120.
4.Comfort; I am not a small person, nor am I a fat bastard. The Honda seems to fit the average male frame nicely. I rarely got cramps in the legs and the seat heating is an excellent feature for long trips.

I even managed to sleep while my wife drove (not easy, believe me...)

5.Service Costs; 1000km @ $38.00 and 10000km @ $109.00; Who says Honda’s are expensive to service?

All in all I am stoked with the vehicle; there were however some bad things that came out on the long drive.

1. Tyre/Road Noise; On some roads, mainly chip and concrete highways sections the road noise can be quite bad. Maybe it is the standard Dunlops I have and a softer compound would improve this. I might try some interior cladding also.
2. Boot space; it’s a little cramped once you get everything in; I am rethinking my strategy of giving the car to my wife when we have kids.

Well, that’s my 2c, I thought I would share with you all .