hey all i dont know if this is in the right section cos it's my first post n i dont really get this thing but yeah..

ok i was going to pick up a friend tongiht got lost a little went to do a u-turn then all of a sudden i had this massive scratching/hissing/scary sound coming from the left hand side. wen i stopped it would stop, wen i drove it woud get louder, after bout 2min of driving with it it got REALLY loud!.....i got out to check wat it was (didn't have a torch jst my moble) cound't see anything wrong down there so i kept driving till i got to my friends place cos they woud have a torch...got lost again did another u turn n drove and the noise stopped...

wat the crap mole was it?!?!

got to a friend place sus it out with the torch...couldn't see anything out of the ordinary....of course i really dont know much bout cars but out of the ordianry for me.....

any ideas?!