hey guys i was bord so i thought this would be a cool cheap mod. cost me about $20, and i bought the thermo from Jaycar
i have installed a digital thermo to let me know how hot the air is goin in my intake.

this is what it looked like in the box

firstly u have to find a place to put it in the cabin

and another

next thing u have to do is run the wire that tells the temperature outside though the fire wall and into the intake.

i ran my wire into the cluster so there wasn't wire haggin out everywhere this was probally the hardest part taking out the cluster.

i forgot to take pics while i was doin this and its a pain to take apart again so ill just walk though what to do on the delsols

firstly undo these 2 screws

for the two button things on the top of either side of the cluster u just simply pull them out there is not screws for these then unplug them