We all know the dramas with the scratching of the tint on our Euros. There are two fixes I know of, having researched through the forums. The primary one is the application of felt to the door rubber somewhere. The secondary is to attempt to smooth off the rubber seal.

I have had the tint scratch twice now. After 1st time, dealer refunded me tint cost cause the service dept told us the sales dept should never have offered it.

2nd time was today after I had a tint company claim they knew how to fix it. They removed the rough surface from the rubber in the door trim. But today it failed again.

Can someone who has had the felt modification done, please detail their outcomes and placement of it. Also, is there a required thickness to this felt and does it create a level of drag or resistance on the window motor which can cause damage later on. And can somebody who has had this done for a fair while confirm that it definately works please.