Quote Originally Posted by Poeter
There's best motoring episode that featured a small car racing category.

6 small hatches were raced on tsukuba circuit. They were: Swift Sport, Colt ralliart, Fit 1.5S (close to jazz vtis), Lupo GTi, Citroen C2 and Swift Sport S1.

Battle result was:
1st Swift S1
2nd Lupo Gti
3rd Swift Sport
4th Fit 1.5S
5th C2
6th Colt Ralliart (Turbo)

Based on this result i would say Jazz is a more balanced car than Colt. The Colt Ralliart was faster than C2 on the straightaway but on corners, it's very poor. The CVT on the Colt is probably not the best either since at the beginning of the race, the driver (Kinoshita) was experiencing difficulty shifting up and it lacked response.
This is true about the Colt Ralliart. But that's really a test mule version. The real thing is here in australia finally. Named Colt Ralliart Version R in Japan. Although its interior dash isn't as nice as a Jazz, but it will beat the shit out of all the small car on the market and even Polo GTI. Stock to stock, Colt Ralliart Version R is faster than the POLO GTI.