Hi all,
To make a payment via credit card, just go to your UserCP and click on Paid Subscriptions (this method is instant and you can pay by either credit card or Paypal).Note that although we do not accept any other payment methods (such as bank deposit or Bpay), you can transfer money from your bank account into your Paypal account.
Choose one of the following options:
Option 1 - $10 Subscription
- Receive a 150 message PM box and never worry about missing a PM again!
Option 2 - $20 Subscription
- Larger PM box - Store upto 150 messages as opposed to 60 for normal users.
- Attachment quota - Ozhonda supporters have their attachment quota doubled 4MB compared to Newcommers/Members (2MB).
- Custom user title - By default you will get the title "Ozhonda Subscriber" but you can change this anytime yourself by just going to your profile and updating it whenever you want and as many times as you want! This can be done via your profile page.
- Double avatar size limit & Animated avatars - Ozhonda Supporters get a 40K limit for their avatars (as opposed to 20K for other users) and can also upload animated avatars such as animated GIF files.
Option 3 - $30 Subscription
All the benefits of Option 2 PLUS:
- Access to a special subscribers' forum where you can talk in person to all the moderators and other supporters.
- Customise your profile page by changing the font, colour and borders. Make it your own personal space by editing it in your UserCP!
NOTE: All payments/subscriptions are valid for 3 years and subscribing to Ozhonda DOES NOT mean you can bypass the conditions in place in order to sell something.
Added profile page customisation for option 3
Removed blog custimsation for Option 3 as Blog is no longer in use for members (17/08/10)