Yes, as the others have said, it just glues in. When I had my Civic's windscreen replaced I just took it in at lunchtime, and picked it up after work. They normally tell you to take it easy driving home, as the glue takes some time to dry completely, but it just fixes the windscreen straight onto the hole in the body, and there's nothing else to seal up, so no rubber seals are required.

The old "rubber seal" windscreens were slightly smaller than the hole in the body and the rubber held them on, if you like, whereas the glued in windscreens overlap the hole in the body by maybe 10mm, and are glued to it. There usually are trim pieces that clip on to hide the edge of the glass, where it's glued, but they are just cosmetic, and have no sealing function. The seal is the glue that holds it onto the body.