Quote Originally Posted by handbrake View Post
Still getting stonewalled by Honda - no one either knows or wants to advise when Honda will release V16 for our model despite it being available for new Hondas and already released by other marques as an update. I am happy to help, Ditch once I can get the V16 update disc.
I might appear to be like a dog with a bone but I invested $3500 over and above standard Lux to get the in dash GPS and sound system and at the moment I cannot see any value in having done so!!
I have been trying to get to escalate this to someone senior in Honda but all lines seem to be busy - maybe too many disgruntled owners!!
Do you think Honda read the Honda forums??
Thanks handbrake. I'll just sit tight until one becomes available somewhere. No I don't think Honda read their forums but I know Choice point out how much cheaper anbd reliable the portable GPS units are. Thank you, Ditch