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  1. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnie View Post
    I had my dc4 for 3 days and got pulled over the 2nd day i got it. I think its because im a red p plater and u can barely see it on the back window coz i have shity tinted windows..

    But on the other car i had was a nissan silvia, Pulled over 3 times within 2 months again i blame the damn red p plates.. Cops think the silvia was turbo thats why...2/3 times i was told to pop up the bonnet.
    In melbourne, it just depends where you drive and what time. Peak hour or side streets is fine, but hit the highways when it's slightly empty and you're gonna get done.

    I'm also a red P plater but i'm smart about where i go so i've never been pulled over. Tbh i dont think cops pick on young drivers at all, they just seem to do stupid shit to get noticed

  2. #38
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    In sydney, your rego stays in police system, eg. if you get defected/pulled over for hooning, doing something illegal etc..

    if cops scan your plate especially HWP you will get pulled over again. Fact.

  3. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by RSKEbaby View Post
    In sydney, your rego stays in police system, eg. if you get defected/pulled over for hooning, doing something illegal etc..

    if cops scan your plate especially HWP you will get pulled over again. Fact.
    will changing plates get you off the system?

  4. #40
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    My type r is pretty loud, and has i/h/e but I havent had any defects... been pulled over maybe 3 times in 9 months? But just RBT's and a polite chat, ever since I got my full licence police are so much more respectful towards me.When I had my del sol and prelude, I got pulled over at least once a week, defected many times, questioned how I could afford such cars and generally given a pretty hard time about anything including oil leaks or being defected for a brake light being out. I do live in Castle hill, and there is nothing for police to do then traffic patrolling, when I use to visit my friend in granville(which I did alot) there would be cars going absolutley nuts, loud ass exhausts and subs going nuts but I would never see anyone getting pulled over. Depends on your area and what they focus on I guess, but having a full licence and being compliant helps so much in them just lettting you move along.
    Does my post help? If it did please Rep me

  5. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur View Post
    will changing plates get you off the system?
    I think so, the car comes up in the system when they scan it, the RTA and police systems may be different though, I believe that it wouldnt be on there unless they fully braught up the cars history, but police cars are always set up to scan plates 24/7. I had defects on my old car, and got pulled over within 20 seconds of spotting a police officer. I let the car run out of rego for 3 months, re-registered and I had no oustanding defects after that time.(lucky as I had to go to an epa to clear the car)
    Does my post help? If it did please Rep me

  6. #42
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    Never.. I rarely see cops when I'm out for some reason, especially around my area.

  7. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur View Post
    will changing plates get you off the system?

  8. #44
    thank god..

  9. #45
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    When i was on my P's i had a fair few fines and lost my license a few times due to demerits , in a Commodore and a Da9

    Took most of them on the chin as i was clearly at fault, Also stood up for myself a few times as some cops are just school bullies in a blue uniform ,

    First time i lost my license a unmarked Mitsubishi 380 came boring up my ass just as i took off from lights(night), so i took off and did 30 over i think ,with him up my ass then bang the blue & red lights,

    didn't think it was fair as i thought he wasn't going to stop, be he seemed to think i imagined the whole thing

    Another time i was driving down a split road , two lanes either side with grass medium strip 60k zone, with heaps of roundabouts,
    I was doing 64-65 on my dial MAX, and i see a marked divvy van coming opposite way then slams on breaks and jumps the grass medium and does a u-bob after me, i knew he was coming but thought WTF 5Ks over and he driving like that ?
    follows me for about a K then lights ...... i pull over...... 2 cops walk up to car, one comes up to my window other is just looking through all my windows.
    cop says" whats the hurry?"
    Me " no hurry, why is that mate?" in a non smart assed calm way,
    Cop " Come on mate don't F@#$ with me, you think i was born yesterday? you would have been doing at least 80k when we saw you "
    Me" Are you Serious mate? no way was I doing 80 , I was doing no more than 5ks over ,65! and thought that was what this was all about "
    Cop " are you gunna keep pissing in my pocket?
    Me " WHAT?? I laughed abit cause of the shit that was falling out of his mouth and said "PISS IN YOUR POCKET??? im not trying to piss in anyone's pocket mate"
    Cop " You where doing at least 80 when we passed you back on such and such road, you wanna keep bull shiting me and pissing in my pocket Then I've got no time for ya , You got your license on ya "
    Me " yep
    Cop " you wanna get it out "
    so as i am getting it out im like " So your gunna do me for 20 over, when i was only doing 5 over? (said in calm disappointment)
    Cop " That's what you get for driving like a d%^& head mate.
    Me " nice thanks for that, your a real nice fellow aren't you SIR"
    Cop Asks me name DOB address and stuff, says" wait here" and walks off

    7 min later ( was timing them lol) the other cop that said nothing walks up ( Smart ass cop stays in car), hands me my drivers license and says" you'll be receiving a fine in the mail" , turns and starts power walking back to divvy van, i'm like excuse me , (keeps walking) so i open my door and follow him saying " excuse me sir " like twice he just ignores me , then as he gets to the car he turns around and says "i told you you will be receiving a fine in the mail"
    Me " can i see the radar? "
    Cop in car " NO"
    ME "Why?" and i lent down so i was talking to the police officer and not the roof of the car and the young rookie behind me screams in my ear " STAND BACK FROM THE VEHICLE "
    I just looked at him and put my hands in the air ( like chill man )and said " Jesus Christ calm down mate " you abit nervous? i'm only asking questions, that's not against the law is it? " looks away and starts ignoring me again
    So i look at cop in car and say again but abit firmer "show me proof that i did 80!!! SHOW ME THE RADAR GUN THAT SHOWS 80k's on it " i look inside his in car abit"
    Cop: " No because i didn't use the radar , i'm a police officer!!! i can judge if your speeding by eye"
    Me: " ARE YOU SERIOUS ?so you could tell while you where going in the opposite direction with tree's in between us that i was doing 20 over?"
    cop: points to Vic police badge on the arm of his shirt , then scream's " YOU SEE THAT?? THAT SAYS YOU DO WHAT THE F@CK YOUR TOLD"

    PAUSE ...... WTF HE JUST SAY???

    I was fuming at this stage and thought i should leave before i said or did anything too silly, but before i left i said " With no radar and NO evidence that I was in fact speeding at all, even after i admitted i was doing 5ks over, you've got no chance of getting me on this mate , make sure i get my fine then cause My lawyer is going to have a field day over this , I'll see you in court mate" and smiled got in the car drove off, they followed me at distance for about 10ks , i did 5ks under lolz

    never got the fine

  10. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by DA9-47 View Post
    When i was on my P's i had a fair few fines and lost my license a few times due to demerits , in a Commodore and a Da9

    Took most of them on the chin as i was clearly at fault, Also stood up for myself a few times as some cops are just school bullies in a blue uniform ,

    First time i lost my license a unmarked Mitsubishi 380 came boring up my ass just as i took off from lights(night), so i took off and did 30 over i think ,with him up my ass then bang the blue & red lights,

    didn't think it was fair as i thought he wasn't going to stop, be he seemed to think i imagined the whole thing

    Another time i was driving down a split road , two lanes either side with grass medium strip 60k zone, with heaps of roundabouts,
    I was doing 64-65 on my dial MAX, and i see a marked divvy van coming opposite way then slams on breaks and jumps the grass medium and does a u-bob after me, i knew he was coming but thought WTF 5Ks over and he driving like that ?
    follows me for about a K then lights ...... i pull over...... 2 cops walk up to car, one comes up to my window other is just looking through all my windows.
    cop says" whats the hurry?"
    Me " no hurry, why is that mate?" in a non smart assed calm way,
    Cop " Come on mate don't F@#$ with me, you think i was born yesterday? you would have been doing at least 80k when we saw you "
    Me" Are you Serious mate? no way was I doing 80 , I was doing no more than 5ks over ,65! and thought that was what this was all about "
    Cop " are you gunna keep pissing in my pocket?
    Me " WHAT?? I laughed abit cause of the shit that was falling out of his mouth and said "PISS IN YOUR POCKET??? im not trying to piss in anyone's pocket mate"
    Cop " You where doing at least 80 when we passed you back on such and such road, you wanna keep bull shiting me and pissing in my pocket Then I've got no time for ya , You got your license on ya "
    Me " yep
    Cop " you wanna get it out "
    so as i am getting it out im like " So your gunna do me for 20 over, when i was only doing 5 over? (said in calm disappointment)
    Cop " That's what you get for driving like a d%^& head mate.
    Me " nice thanks for that, your a real nice fellow aren't you SIR"
    Cop Asks me name DOB address and stuff, says" wait here" and walks off

    7 min later ( was timing them lol) the other cop that said nothing walks up ( Smart ass cop stays in car), hands me my drivers license and says" you'll be receiving a fine in the mail" , turns and starts power walking back to divvy van, i'm like excuse me , (keeps walking) so i open my door and follow him saying " excuse me sir " like twice he just ignores me , then as he gets to the car he turns around and says "i told you you will be receiving a fine in the mail"
    Me " can i see the radar? "
    Cop in car " NO"
    ME "Why?" and i lent down so i was talking to the police officer and not the roof of the car and the young rookie behind me screams in my ear " STAND BACK FROM THE VEHICLE "
    I just looked at him and put my hands in the air ( like chill man )and said " Jesus Christ calm down mate " you abit nervous? i'm only asking questions, that's not against the law is it? " looks away and starts ignoring me again
    So i look at cop in car and say again but abit firmer "show me proof that i did 80!!! SHOW ME THE RADAR GUN THAT SHOWS 80k's on it " i look inside his in car abit"
    Cop: " No because i didn't use the radar , i'm a police officer!!! i can judge if your speeding by eye"
    Me: " ARE YOU SERIOUS ?so you could tell while you where going in the opposite direction with tree's in between us that i was doing 20 over?"
    cop: points to Vic police badge on the arm of his shirt , then scream's " YOU SEE THAT?? THAT SAYS YOU DO WHAT THE F@CK YOUR TOLD"

    PAUSE ...... WTF HE JUST SAY???

    I was fuming at this stage and thought i should leave before i said or did anything too silly, but before i left i said " With no radar and NO evidence that I was in fact speeding at all, even after i admitted i was doing 5ks over, you've got no chance of getting me on this mate , make sure i get my fine then cause My lawyer is going to have a field day over this , I'll see you in court mate" and smiled got in the car drove off, they followed me at distance for about 10ks , i did 5ks under lolz

    never got the fine
    good job mate, i wudve done the same
    hate smartass officers esp when they think were dumb.

  11. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryaan View Post
    good job mate, i wudve done the same
    hate smartass officers esp when they think were dumb.
    cheers man , my mate was his boss at the time , so yeah ...... he didn't know that
    think he was working in the office abit after that =)

  12. #48
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    I've been pulled over like 4-5 times in the last two years.

    I ALWAYS seem to get the undercover cars. As soon as I spot the lights in the grill and the computer on the dash, they always seem to turn on lol.

    Last time I was pulled over, I was driving home from the city. It was about 1am, and literally as I turn into the street before my house, I notice this black commodore catch up real quick from about 200m back (must have been doing ATLEAST 100k's in a 60 zone) and they follow me for another 200m orso. They follow me right to my house (im ON MY DRIVEWAY by now!) and the lights flash. I got RBT'd on my own driveway haha
    part time potato

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