Quote Originally Posted by TPham View Post
Thanks bennjamin

I brought my HRV back to Honda Blacktown three times. They tested another HRV in their car yard and heard the same noise !!! They told me that they had already reported this issue to Honda and await for Honda response (could be 1 month or 1 year). At the moment, they don't know what to do with this noise. If this noise happens to majority of HRVs, I think it can be a design fault. I just hope more HRV owners will pick up this noise and report to Honda so that Honda will try to solve the problem quicker.

For now, I will try another dealer as per lilthug and Daveho1's suggestion.
If a Honda dealer is saying they've already reported the issue to Honda Co. and could be waiting up to 1 year for a response, then whats the point of going to a second dealer? Of course, they could be lying to you, but that is another big problem. Did you actually witness the same sound coming from their HRV? Just because another HRV has the same noise doesn't make it OK anyway.

Do what Bennjamin said otherwise you're going to waste a lot of time.