Quote Originally Posted by amant02 View Post
What i do with my cars and my life is up to me bud. And this was @ 3am on a quiet road fkn pot holes.

lithhug, i hill and toed's around a coner cause the car go side ways while hitting a pot hole. made the car flip 3 times in the air landing perfectly in between telegraph pole and a school zone sign, cracked the wishbone and front passenger side rotor cracked in 1/2. No dmg to the coils thou.

Original thread starter: Only people that dont recommend tiens are the tight ass's who havn't had them yet. Personally i rather spend more on handling then speed or sound. Up to you what u wanna do your car. Suspension work>Power if its a daily.

i like to test how fast i can go around a corner
Everyone should buy Tein. They allow you to defy the laws of physics!

I have spent like 3K on various coilovers all up. I like Tein the best