Quote Originally Posted by GU357 View Post
before the next cruise, i plan to strip my rear seats out, because the rera carpet is mounted to the amp and sub. so much weight to be gained there, also gonna put her on a weighbridge to compare it to stock.
As much as i regard Weight as a factor affecting your speed; this is the 'noob' forum and i'll have my opinion regardless.

I think anyone who 'strips' interior trimming, seats, dash components, luxury items or even goes as far as going without fire extinguishers, a basic sound system, a spare wheel, etc..Just to make your car a little faster.
Is a complete tosser.
And you're even more-so of a tosser, if your car has little to no power/modifications to start with.
I have more than enough power, and i kept my A/C, P/S, Sunroof, Cruise Control, my nice and comfy 5-seater Accord interior, Speakers+Headunit, spare tyre.. And i even added a Fire Extinguisher just incase.

If you're not willing to spend atleast 2 of the above 3 when modifying your car for Power, don't bother reducing your weight at the cost of having a 'nice car'