I bought my Jazz in 2003 (brand new) and a few days ago I contacted my local dealer (Great Western Honda) to enquire how much it would cost to replace the CVT oil as it has recently started shuddering again. The guy informed me that Honda have extended their gearbox warranty to 7yrs and I just got in (bought the car in March '03). So the CVT oil change would be free of charge. I was stoked!

This morning I went to drop the car off and the guy there informed me that what they would do is flush the system, then test it. If the problem isn't fully fixed or if they think the gearbox needs replacing, they'll replace it, free of charge. He said that it would normally cost $6000. I left my car with them and went off to work.

Went back to the dealer at 5pm to pick up my car and they informed me that my car now had a brand spankin new CVT gearbox!!! I'm thrilled. They advised me to change the CVT oil more frequently, approx 40k. I'm probably going to change it every 30k. My car has so far done over 120k, and apart from this problem (which originally started at around 70k, but went away after changing the CVT oil, and has re-started again recently), it's a dream to drive. Of course I do take care of it, take it to dealer for regular servicing, only use V-power fuel, warm up engine before driving in the morning etc. With the gearbox, it's like a fresh start now, so as long as I service it well, it should last quite a while.

So my advice is, if your CVT is shuddering, and its been less than 7yrs since you bought it, contact your dealer. Because I bought my car brand new from this dealer, he knows my vehicle history and was able to see that a flush hadn't been carried out earlier, so asked me to come in. Also, all my dealing with them have been really good, and very good quality of service. I'm sure most of the Honda dealers are the same, but I'm very impressed with these guys today.