Quote Originally Posted by Super-DA9 View Post
ok so, I'm going to call protex tomorrow and ask for the details on the weight of the part, and I'll weigh the old one, and if there's a significant difference, I'll order a RHS one. If it's is the same or too close to have an effect, I'll order new bushings, probably go suspension bushings all round. I can replace these myself, however I'll have to have everything aligned correctly afterwards... *sigh*

so if a wheel alignment is just adjusting the tie rods... (even though on the job card they gave me it shows toe in, camber etc. not sure what the go is there)

then what do I ask for to get everything adjusted/aligned correctly..?

I'm actually quiet interested in seeing if there is a difference between the OEM product and the one you have just installed, although there really shouldn't be.

Replacing other things like bushings is probably a good idea anyway, like someone mentioned before bushings and the like develop a 'wear memory' overtime (common sense I know I'm sorry). PLUS, if you are going to get everything realigned again, you may aswell just take the opportunity to fiddle around and replace them before you do go get it aligned.

If you look at the positives, you will potentially come out of this with
-Brand spanking new driveshafts
-New bushings
-A good wheel-alignment
And most importantly a whole heap of experience on the issue!

Good luck bro, remember to tell us if there is a difference between the OEM/aftermarket product!