Quote Originally Posted by OxenBeat View Post
I just imported a Beat to The USA, and I need a new front caliper (mine has seized up from the long boat ride from Japan). Reading your post about upgrading to Jazz front brakes, I have a few questions. The Jazz is the same as the Honda Fit here in the States, so it should be a better and easier upgrade for me.
What if any issues did you have, I saw you said I needed to use all Jazz components (Caliper, pads and Rotors) and removing the Heat shield. Any other issues? I'm running 14" wheels all around.
Love your Beat, awesome!
Thank you!
As per the PM i sent you, it's literally as described in the post above. Unbolt the old calipers and rotors, mount the new, bleed and she's ready to go! Just make sure you've got the GD model (1st gen) Jazz/Fit calipers and rotors which are 240mm in diameter... hopefully the US models are the same as what we get here. Post up some pics of yours when you get a chance

Quote Originally Posted by Beat View Post

Today a semi changed lanes, spun me at 100kmh so Im looking for another Beat, Needs to be straight a able to get rego, I have most parts to repair one.

That's terrible news mate! I'm always very cautious when driving in a blind spot of cars as the Beats are so tiny and easilly missed in the rearview. Did you end up crashing into a barrier or anything? Hope you got out of it without any injuries! Is the chassis/body repairable? Anywhoo best of luck finding a replacement.